Dan Carr

经过:Dan CarrMay 27th, 2021

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Floor Scrubber Buyers Guide: Steps to Determine Which Auto Scrubber is Best For your Facility

There are dozens of automatic floor scrubbers on the market today, and choosing the best one will require some thought and consideration. First, you’ll need to identify why you’re looking to invest in a new machine. Then, you’ll need to narrow down the best machine option for your facility based on a number of factors.

To purchase the best auto scrubber for your facility’s needs, there's a series of questions you’ll want to answer to determine which floor scrubber will be the best for your facility.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the typical questions you’ll9DD9EB04E9A33B43D2BE1D9BA18A61B952D45104需要回答以找到适合您的设施的最佳自动洗涤器。



  1. 为什么需要新的自动地板洗涤器?
  2. What Are Your Current Cleaning Processes and What Equipment, If Any, Do You Currently Use?
  3. What Is The Scope Of Work?
  4. 您要清洁的区域有多大?
  5. 该地区是否有任何障碍?
  6. What Are Your Facility’s Current Goals?
  7. 我的设施预算可以负担什么地板洗涤器?
  8. What’s Next?



Clarke MA10 Cleaning LobbyHowever, there are several different reasons you may be looking for a new auto scrubber.



Some of the most common reasons for a new equipment purchase include:



Dealing with破损的设备耗时且昂贵。如果您经常不得不处理设备进行维修,那么可能是时候投资新机器了。

20191031_103307You’ll need to consider how much your equipment is currently costing you in repairs and whether it is worth it to continue to put money into an old machine rather than invest in a new machine.

Additionally, old equipment is likely no longer efficient in water and chemical usage. Upgrading your current auto scrubber can help increase these and other cleaning efficiencies.




Looking for the latest innovations in the janitorial industry can help you cut down on labor costs - which is the largest expense to most cleaning operations.


Automation is one of the newest ways to significantly reduce labor costs.

Autonomous equipment relieves您的清洁人员从重复性和耗时的任务(如吸尘或拖曳)中进行,因此您可以重新部署员工完成其他更高的价值任务或更高的利润项目工作。

Disruptions / Absenteeism


Finding ways to increase the amount of work your current staff can do during a cleaning shift will help you keep your facility clean.


Forced to Reduce Operational Expenses

You may find yourself having to make budget cuts even when you don’t want to.


自动洗涤器可提供一系列productivity-enhancing features例如大型解决方案和恢复罐,以延长垃圾和填充周期之间的时间,大的清洁路径以减少整体清洁时间,甚至可以帮助推动机器推动机器,因此与其他清洁相比,操作员不会发挥太多的能量机器,例如地板缓冲区。


Losing an employee to an injury can set you back in costs and in the hygiene of your facility.

Viper AS530R Ride On 20in Autoscrubber-1当员工长时间出去时,您需要找到一种方法来完成他们所做的工作。如果您像某些人一样,可能不想雇用新员工。如果是这种情况,自动地板洗涤器可以提高效率,以便您当前的员工在更少的时间内完成更多工作。


Examples of these safety features include:

  • 操舵控制除草洗涤塔will prevent the machine from flipping over on turns
  • 自主机器具有内置红外灯,使他们能够实时反应对环境的变化并避免在其路径中进行任何操作。

What Are Your Current Cleaning Processes and What Equipment, If Any, Do You Currently Use?


This will help determine whichtypeof auto scrubber最适合您的设施。


  • 降低清洁和提高工人生产力所需的时间
  • 帮助您的员工在设施内部获得更好的清洁水平



拖把Common in many facilities, the traditional mop and bucket system is used to clean and remove spills from areas of hard flooring. The mop and bucket system is outdated. It is labor-intensive and inefficient.

过渡away from the mop and bucket method to a floor scrubber greatly increases efficiencies.

地板洗涤器清除手动劳动from scrubbing a floor. The machines are equipped with automated systems to scrub and dry your facility’s floor in one pass.

With a mop and bucket, it is inevitable that water and possibly even cleaning solution will be left behind, greatly increasing the risk of occupant slips and falls.

The mop and bucket system requires staff to push mops around, wring them out, and regularly change out water. With an auto scrubber, your staff will have to fill the tank once and then clean until the recovery tank is full, greatly reducing the amount of time your staff spends changing out the bucket solution.

Additionally, the mop and bucket system is not as hygienic because the mop reuses dirty water from the bucket. Floor scrubbers只要放下干净的水。

Auto scrubbers clean floors with greater scrubbing pressure, reduced amounts of water and cleaning solution, and leave the floors dry, making it a more hygienic cleaning option, more environmentally-conscious and a safer choice.


一些设施选择使用commercial floor buffer清洁地板。与拖把相比,地板缓冲区可以帮助您获得更好,更卫生的清洁,但是它仍然非常密集,并且需要多个设备。


When using a floor buffer, you’ll need to remove the water and solution from the floor after the cleaning procedure.

This will either require a mop and bucket or a wet/dry vacuum. A mop and bucket is the least effective solution removal method. It will not remove all water and can pose a slip and fall risk because water is likely to be left behind.



If you're cleaning a中至大尺寸面积(1,000+平方英尺)with a floor buffer, you'll likely transition to a walk behind or stand on scrubber.

Automatic Floor Scrubbers

您可能已经在使用某种类型的自动洗涤器to clean your floors.

If so, you understand the efficiencies a scrubber can provide. However, you should evaluate if you have the correct size for your facility before purchasing a new one with the same specs.

CA60 20B右1

The right size auto scrubber for your building will allow your staff to clean each area quickly and with minimal issues. For example, if you currently have a 20-inch floor scrubber and it fits nicely into congested areas, then you will likely stick with the same size. But, if you are using a 20-inch floor scrubber to clean 30,000 square feet of open area, you will likely be better suited with a larger auto scrubber.


The typical 20- inch automatic walk-behind floor scrubber can clean 20,000 square feet in approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, but a 28-inch ride-on floor scrubber can clean the same area in about half the time, saving 1 hour and 5 minutes.

That means your staff would be spending half the time on each cleaning procedure.


What Is The Scope Of Work?

The next step is to determine the right size auto scrubber based on the area.


Scope of work includes two things:


The size of the area being maintained will help determine the type of auto scrubber you will need. It will also play a large role in helping narrow down the right size for your facility.

The right size auto scrubber will allow your staff to work efficiently in the area. The more productive your staff is, the more work they can complete during a shift.

有几种类型的自动洗涤器:upright, walk behind, ride-on or fully autonomous.

直立的洗涤器are effective in cleaning areas 500-1,200 square feet.

They are lightweight and most effective in small, congested areas such as entryways, offices, and restrooms.

自动步行地板洗涤器perform best for cleaning areas of 1,000-150,000 square feet.





It is also important to consider the things that are in the area being cleaned.

You will need to choose a machine with a cleaning path that allows your staff to easily work and maneuver in the given space.

Clarke MA10 12E Upright Scrubber-1直立洗涤器是最小的洗涤器。他们可以使用清洁路径范围​​为12-14英寸。

Walk-behind automatic scrubbers are available withcleaning paths ranging from 13 - 38 inches.

Ride automatic scrubbers and fully autonomous floor scrubbers offer清洁路径范围​​为20-45英寸

Depending on the area or areas being cleaned, you may need two auto floor scrubbers. For example, if you are looking to clean larger open areas greater than 100,000 square feet, your cleaning team will be most efficient with a 45-inch ride automatic scrubber.

However, if you also have some smaller areas, like restrooms, a small 12-inch upright can help your staff clean under partition walls and sinks where that ride on wouldn’t fit.

A larger walk behind or ride-on scrubber would not be efficient in the restroom and can actually increase the amount of time it takes to clean. It will be difficult for staff to maneuver such a large machine, requiring extra effort and decreasing productivity.

What Are Your Facility’s Current Goals?


After identifying the type and size auto floor scrubber that will best fit your facility based on the scope of work, the next step is to narrow down the different models based on available features.

Aside from wanting clean floors, you may have other goals. In some cases, the goals of your facility may be determined by your industry, but they may also vary based on your organization’s goals.

For example, healthcare facilities will likely require a floor scrubber with a low noise level so that it can be used without disturbing patients. Or, do you want your facility to be perceived as cutting edge? Then, you may want to consider an autonomous machine that can operate during the day on its own.

There are 5 common priorities that drive which features you should look for in a machine.

You’ll need to decide which of the 5 is most important to you:

Based on the importance of each of these factors, you’ll have a better idea of which equipment features your next auto scrubber should have.

1. Are you looking to increase worker productivity?

With the addition of any automatic floor scrubber, you’ll help your staff enjoy increased productivity and cleaning efficiencies. However, there are many floor scrubber features that are specifically designed to further increase worker productivity so you can repurpose labor and lower labor costs.

CA60 battery charger-2一些最著名的提高生产力的功能包括:

  • 车载电池充电器


Pro Tip:Although it is convenient, staff should not charge the battery every time they have the opportunity to. This is otherwise known as “opportunity charging”. You should always charge machine batteries to 100% including cool down time before operating the machine. Opportunity charging will overheat the battery and will shorten the life of the battery.

  • Larger Solution & Recovery Tanks

恢复箱。JPG-1Equipment with large capacity tanks can increase the time between dump-and-fill cycles. The fewer number of times your staff has to stop to empty tanks and refill solution will increase the amount of time they have to perform other higher, value cleaning tasks.

  • Tool-less Equipment Changeouts

If you don't want your staff to spend time changing out brush types or accessories, look for slide-out decks and easy-to-swap brushes. This will allow your workers to clean different surfaces with one machine and spend minimal time changing out machines or accessories.



  • Chemical Free Floor Stripping


Orbital scrubbers “orbit” or move infast, tight vibrations to scrub the floor.

The fast movements combined with the proper floor pad eliminate the need for chemicals. This also helps to increase IAQ (indoor air quality).

  • Gel / AGM Batteries

Gel / AGM battery powered设备提供了增加的安全性和便利性,因为在传统电池中可能发生的充电过程中,电池酸溢出或有害气体排放没有潜力。

Gel/AGM batteries require less maintenance, increasing worker productivity. Staff does not have to worry about filling batteries.

3. Are you concerned with your image?


I Want Better, More Consistent Results

In one pass, auto scrubbers clean, scrub, and dry floors. With an auto scrubber your staff are not responsible for the manual cleaning and scrubbing of floors. Your staff simply has to maneuver the machine.

Any floor scrubber will be better than either a floor buffer or a mop and bucket system. For the most consistent clean, consider autonomous floor machines. They can be programmed to follow the same cleaning path every time, eliminating operator error.

地板光泽 - 绿色I


If you are interested in becoming more green, important features to consider include:

  • 低水与化学消耗

Water-saving options reduce the water needed to clean floors. There are also chemical dispensing systems that automatically monitor the amount of chemical released to reduce the amount of chemical needed. Some scrubbers can even entirely消除化学物质的使用when removing floor finish from the floor.

  • 降低声音水平


I Am Interested In Being More Innovative

Investing in the latest innovation not only helps increase worker productivity and increase cleaning results, but it can also demonstrate to your customers or building occupants that you are constantly looking for ways to improve.


Vantage 14 in-use 01自主设备适用于自己的要求inimal effort from your staff. In some cases, they just need to power on the machine and it will run on its own.



4. What is the frequency of your cleaning schedule?



As an added benefit, the more frequently you clean your floors, the shorter the payback and quicker you will see a return on your equipment investment.



Thetotal cost of ownership for your machine不仅是初始购买价格或价格标签。它还包括维修,设备停机时间导致工人生产力损失等等。其他重要考虑因素包括保修,培训和支持。

Without considering these additional options, you will likely end up spending more in the long run.


The right machine for your facility is not always the one with the cheapest purchase price, but the one that delivers the fastest payback period and return on investment (ROI).





  • 在更少的时间内完成更多高质量的工作
  • Repurposing labor for higher profit work
  • 消除可以使用机器完成工作的全职员工
  • Reducing chemical and water costs

The right automatic scrubber for your business will be the machine that provides the best return on investment (ROI).


Auto scrubbers can cost anywhere from $1,150 to $30,000取决于类型。地板洗涤器的确切成本将根据机器,制造商,材料类型,电池类型和安装功能的清洁路径大小而有所不同。





Should You Finance Your Auto Scrubber?


Equipment financing can help you get the equipment you need today, and pay for it over time.

Equipment financing is a great opportunity to make manageable monthly payments, and it gives you the chance to start earning additional income and/or reducing expenses with your new equipment before your first payment is due.

With approved credit, you can finance your equipment purchase for 1-5 years based on your budget and goals.


You may also consider renting equipment. Renting equipment is a good option if it’s a short term job, a unique cleaning situation, or a one-time thing.

Renting equipment prevents you from having to purchase the equipment outright which is especially useful if you don’t have plans to use the machine a lot.


However, buying equipment to tackle one-off procedures or speed up cleaning procedures in the short term will likely not give you a good return on your investment.

This is because the short and infrequent use of the equipment won’t allow you to fully recoup your investment through increased productivity and other cleaning efficiencies.

What’s Next?

When compared to other cleaning methods, automatic floor scrubbers will boost worker productivity, reduce cleaning times, and lower labor costs.


20190828_080214After that, you can start to narrow down the floor scrubber types and sizes based on your facility's goals and needs.






Our Team begins by understanding your needs and desired outcomes so we can suggest the best products and equipment for you. We will guide you through the decision-making process to ensure you make the right purchase.



EBP Supply Solutions, founded in 1918, is a leading distribution partner in the eastern United States, providing a broad range of cleaning and food service supplies, training, and services for organizations in buildings, institutions (including government & education), healthcare, recreation and food service markets. Headquartered in Milford, CT, it operates from three distribution centers in Milford, CT, Tewksbury, MA and Burlington, NJ, and achieves national distribution in partnership with Network® Distribution Services.


Dan Carr是EBP Supply Solutions的设备计划经理,也是EBP培训学院爱游戏旧版下载安装爱游戏手游官网的培训师,该学院为美国东北部和中大西洋地区的监督和前线清洁专业人员提供了CMI认证和其他培训课程。他拥有ISSA CMI基本认证,并在清洁和卫生行业拥有超过35年的经验。
