
The use of third-party delivery services like UberEats, DoorDash, and GrubHub are at an all time high.

While third party delivery services were gaining popularity before the Coronavirus Pandemic, the outbreak created increased demand and sped up adoption.



当您将流行前的受欢迎程度与消费者的兴趣增加并依靠Covid-19引起的外卖时,交付服务在某种程度上是对餐饮服务运营的生命线 - 在可预见的将来,它们可能仍然很重要。

Even with the release of the COVID-19 vaccines, we can anticipate a slow return to “normalcy” as consumers continue to prioritize their safety.


如前所述,很高兴能使您最喜欢的一餐落在您家门口,但是如果它到达凌乱,冷甚至湿润 - 那么整个体验都是不利的,可能导致未来的销售失去。

In this article and video, we’ll review the key features your to go food packaging needs to ensure a great guest experience.




As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, patrons have increased standards for health and safety. And, this includes food packaging.

Whether your product is delivered in a brown bag, plastic container, or cup, once it leaves the kitchen it should be sealed until it arrives at its final destination.内联塑料安全t新鲜容器

防篡改或篡改食品包装has a secure barrier or barriers that, when opened, clearly display to consumers that tampering has occurred or that the product has been altered in some way.

The most common types of tamper-evident packaging include tear strips, stickers, and seals.


As an added benefit, tamper-evident food packaging clearly demonstrates that you have a concern for their well-being. Customers who see that their food provider understands that safety is a priority will have increased loyalty to your products.

In fact, one-third of global consumers strongly agree thatpackaging designed to keep the product safemakes them feel more favorable towards the brand and more likely to purchase that brand.

To find out more about the benefits of tamper-evident packaging, read:3篡改食品包装的主要好处


Once ensuring your food is kept safe, the quality of your food should be your next priority.


你怎么能保证你的食品质量和安全with delivery orders?


Multiple Compartment Containers



If you are serving a meal with multiple textures or temperatures, consider containers with separate compartments.

This feature keeps foods from mixing, helping to maintain the desired texture and appearance.

Microwave or Oven Safe Take Out Containers

Sometimes as hard you try, it is just not possible to control whether your food products will be delivered on time and at the right temperature.


消费者喜欢便利。通过在耐热容器中运送食物,顾客可以在抵达时直接在包装中烹饪或重新加热食物。Pactiv Clear.Gold.Black Aluminum Container Classic Tray-1

Heat tolerant containers allow your guests to quickly and easily reheat their meal at home without having to transfer containers and dirty more dishes as a result.


There are several different types of disposable takeout containers, and it can be hard to know which is safe for the microwave or the oven.

PACTIV 3隔室长方形铝制容器

It is important to note that not all containers which can be used in the microwave are safe for the oven and vice-versa. For example, aluminum containers are great for use in the oven but can lead to fire if they are put into the microwave.

有关微波安全容器的列表,请查看本文:Microwave Safe Containers: A Business’ Guide [VIDEO]


Additionally, packaging food in a heat tolerant container allows you to include reheating directions with your meal so consumers can reheat the meal to near-restaurant quality.

Full Perimeter Seal


边缘密封容器锁,preventing accidental opening during transport.

If your food spills before it arrives, you’ll be dealing with complaints from delivery drivers and requests for new food from consumers, creating unnecessary headaches and costs.


Additionally, containers with a full perimeter seal can help keep leftovers fresh.




If one of your main business goals is going green, your containers should align and project that image to your patrons. Similarly, your patrons may want sustainable items, putting increased pressure on you to select “green” items.Earthchoice PLA Coated Soup Container


To get a better idea of which food packaging products can be recycled, visit:Which Common Food Packaging Products are Recyclable: A Business’ Guide

Depending on your goals and the disposal options in your area, either可回收或可堆肥产品有其好处

For example, if your customers can not compost or recycle the container, you may not be using a sustainable option at all.

Meaning, if you’re providing your customers with compostable bowls but there is no compost facility nearby (and they are just throwing it away in the trash bin), it is no longer a sustainable option.

To learn more about the best eco-friendly take out containers, visit:

Eco-Friendly Take Out Containers: What’s the Best, Low Cost Option For Your Business

Final Thoughts

The timing and delivery experience are often out of your hands once your food leaves the kitchen. It will be even more important to select a container that is sure to keep your food looking great, at the desired temperature, and safe from tampering.





EBP offers a wide variety of takeout containers to suit the needs of your operation. Reach out today so we can help match your operation’s needs to the right food packaging fit.

同时,为了帮助您更好地比较我们提供的一些外卖包装解决方案,我们将quick reference guidedetailing the different container types and where they are safe to be used:

EBP_Material Heat Guide 1

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About Michael Tanguay

迈克尔·坦古(Michael Tanguay)is a Sales Representative for EBP Supply Solutions, with over 25 years of experience in helping customers tackle their foodservice packaging and commercial cleaning challenges. Since 2012, he has specialized in sustainable foodservice packaging alternatives to help customers increase their food and beverage sales while being more environmentally conscious, and customizing cleaning and sanitation programs using green cleaning products to help lessen their company’s environmental footprint.
