Glenn Rasin

经过:Glenn RasinonNovember 19th, 2020



VCT is one of the most flexible and popular floor types found in commercial buildings today.

Vinyl composition tile, VCT for short, is 12” square tiles that are glued to the surface of a floor. It is then coated with a finish to give the floor its desired wet-look. It is most commonly found in hallways, cafeterias, restrooms, kitchens, classrooms, and exam rooms.


Every effective floor care program should consist of3清洁和维护阶段:每日,周期性和恢复地板护理。

Daily floor careis cleaning and maintenance that should be done every day.定期地板护理should be completed when the finish of your VCT flooring is experiencing a noticeable level of wear and tear.Restorative floor care是三个阶段中的最后一个,应该在每日和周期性的护理中不再复兴您的VCT地板时执行。



the first component of any successful floor program is a proper entry matting system.


Guests should be able to take about 8 to 10 steps on the entry matting before reaching your VCT flooring. In most cases, this will typically call for about 15 feet of matting outside and an additional 15 feet inside your building.入口垫打开

different types of mattingand each serves a unique purpose.

Pro Tip:What is an effective entryway matting system?有效的进入垫系统将具有三种不同类型的垫子。First,刮刀垫are placed outside of your entryway to scrape debris off of shoes as well as begin the removal of any liquids and moisture. Next,过渡垫或刮板/雨刮器组合垫are placed just inside the doorway or inside vestibules. They clean shoe bottoms by removing soil as well as any remaining moisture. Finally,wiper matsremove any remaining soils from shoe bottoms so that the first steps on your floor’s surface are clean and dry.


Daily Maintenance


this phase can include three different procedures: sweeping, dust mopping or vacuuming, and damp mopping or cleaning with an autoscrubber.





When sweeping, ensure your staff is using the most productive broom for the area. In large open areas, like hallways or cafeterias, they should be working with the largest available broom. A large area should be swept from one end of the space to the other, creating a central garbage pile.

For congested areas, such as classrooms or offices, a smaller broom will allow staff to quickly maneuver under desks or behind objects.

to sweep stairways, begin at the top of the stairway and work down. On each step, sweep from the end of the step to the middle. Move the soil and debris downward as you progress down the stairs, ultimately collecting the debris in a dustpan on the last stair.


Dust mopping and vacuuming is often considered the most important step in a floor maintenance program.


吸尘是土壤去除的首选方法。与灰尘擦拭相比,它可以减少清洁时间和提高生产率。Proteam Gofree Flex Pro II无绳背包真空吸尘器

Selecting the最适合您的设施的真空will depend on the size of the area being清洁和您的设施的预算。



Pro Tip:电池供电的背包可以将工人的生产率提高多达230%与直立相比。它们还降低了与电源线相关的伤害和设备损坏的风险。

In most facilities, VCT floors should be vacuumed at least once a day but may require more or less attention depending on traffic and soil levels. Higher traffic areas, like entryways, will likely gather more soil and require more frequent vacuuming.

If your staff prefers to dust mop, the size of the mop should be based on the size of the area. Small, congested areas should be mopped with an 8-inch or 12-inch dust mop. For larger areas, it will be more efficient to use a 48-inch, 60-inch, or 72-inch dust mop.

Pro Tip:Using amicrofiber mop与传统拖把相比,可以提高清洁功效。



潮湿的拖把ping or Cleaning with an Autoscrubber

After removing all soils with sweeping and/or dust mopping and vacuuming, the floor should be cleaned.


Damp mopping can be done in small or congested areas.


Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Auto Floor Scrubbers


If damp mopping, opt for a double bucket system, if possible. A double bucket system will keep the neutral cleaner solution in one bucket and dirty water in the other.

Damp mop in 10 ft by 10 ft areas using the“ S”或“图8”模式It’s important to use the right technique so spots aren't missed and soils are removed from the surface.



他们取代了对传统拖把和水桶的需求,更快地清洁地板,更少的解决方案,并减少清洁所需的时间。Best of stand on and ride on autoscrubbers-1


When performing daily cleaning, red or less abrasive floor pads should be used. Darker or more abrasive floor pads will remove floor finish and can damage VCT flooring.

Periodic Maintenance

每日维护of your VCT floors should always be supplemented with定期或临时维护程序

Periodic maintenance, sometimes referred to as interim maintenance, is necessary to help protect your floor from damages, restore floor shine, and reduce the need for more劳动和时间密集型维护,例如剥离和修补。


Finish can lose its shine from foot traffic and other daily wear and tear.


the best way to quickly restore your floor’s shine is with a scrub and recoat. Scrubbing will remove the topcoat of finish to get rid of any soils that have become embedded from daily wear and tear.

the number of times you have to scrub and recoat your floor will depend on the frequency and quality of your daily cleaning schedule and the level of traffic in each area of your facility.

例如,流量低下的区域只需要每年进行两次擦洗和重新涂抹。However,high-traffic areas, like entryways, will likely need to be scrubbed and recoated more frequently.


Restorative Maintenance

Even with a complete daily and periodic maintenance routine, VCT flooring will require a full strip and finish at some point. Vinyl composition floors typically need to be stripped once a year.

Stripping is the process of removing old layers of wax and dirt, preparing the floor to be refinished, restoring the floor appearance and protecting it from future damage.Stripping a Floor


Pro Tip:With the right equipment, your staff can efficiently strip a floorwithout chemicals.

If using a chemical stripper, apply with a mop and bucket. After the stripping solution has been applied, carefully remove the solution with a wet vac or autoscrubber.



Final Thoughts


Keeping up with a good cleaning and maintenance schedule can help ensure you get the best return possible on your floor investment. It will also help keep building occupants satisfied with your facility’s appearance.

Installing a comprehensive floor care program with the right products and processes for your floor type can be challenging.

to help you build the best program, EBP and other Imperial Dade locations have a wide range of janitorial floor cleaning equipment and commercial cleaning products to keep your floors looking their best.

我们的费用rts are ready to help you build the best floor care program, whether you're located in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the Caribbean.

Let an EBP Specialist review your current cleaning protocols and recommend the best products and procedures.立即与我们联系

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About Glenn Rasin

Glenn Rasin is the Chemical Specialist for EBP Supply Solutions and Lead Trainer for the EBP Training Academy, which offers CMI-certified training courses for supervisory and front-line cleaning professionals throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. He is an ISSA CMI-certified trainer, with over 35 years of experience in the janitorial and sanitation industry.
