Glenn Rasin

By:Glenn RasinonJuly 10th, 2020


Commercial Wet Mops: How to Use a Mop & The Best Way to Clean a Mop

Commercial wet mops are an important tool in most every facility. They are the traditional, go-to tool for cleaning spill prone spots, periodically maintaining heavy traffic areas, and several other floor cleaning procedures.


Mop maintenance is just as important as using the right mopping technique. Wet mops should be cleaned after every use to reduce the chance of cross contamination, or spreading germs throughout your facility.

In this article and video, we’ll review how to use a mop and the proper way to maintain it for maximum life.




Pro Tip:在10英尺x 10英尺的区域工作将使员工有效地解决该空间。

All large objects including furniture, entry mats, and debris should be removed.

步骤2:灰尘拖把区域Large Dust Mop

为湿拖把准备地板的最后一步是dust mopping。灰尘擦去去除剩余的土壤和碎屑。

Step 3: Soak the Mop


When you are ready to use the mop, wring the mop out so there is just enough solution that it does not drip.


Regardless of the type of mop you are using, a figure 8 or S pattern should be used to wet mop the floor.


Ensure your staff always begins at the innermost corner of the room so they are working towards the exit. This allows them to stand on a dry piece of floor throughout the entire cleaning procedure, ultimately lowering the risk of slips and falls. It will also help to avoid streaking and tracking solution throughout your facility.


当将10英尺x 10英尺的区域完全涂在清洁溶液中时,用干净的水冲洗拖把。


A fully wrung out mop will collect more solution, lowering the amount of passes you will have to make


如果您使用的是无冲洗的地板清洁剂,则无需执行此步骤。Mop Bucket and Wringer


Using the newly cleaned mop, use the same figure 8 or s pattern to remove cleaning solution and soils.

Periodically, rinse the mop to avoid spreading dirty solution throughout the newly cleaned section.

Step 7: Clean Mop


拖把are designed to hold on to moisture and soils as you clean your floors, but this same trait can seriously impact the efficacy of cleaning procedures if the mop is not cleaned and dried between uses.

从你上次moppe土壤和液体d can remain trapped in your mop, causing the unsightly mold and mildew growth as well as unpleasant odor that you’ve likely experienced at some point.

Pro Tip:霉菌和霉菌会在拖把中引起发霉或酸味。

When not cleaned between procedures, mops can actually spread bacteria throughout your facility. This is particularly concerning if you use the same mop to clean the restroom and in other areas of your facility like the kitchen.

Pro Tip:不建议在设施的不同区域使用相同的拖把。

此外,没有适当的照顾,完整性of the mop will be affected. Buildup of soils can cut mop strings, and bacteria can eat away at the mop, reducing efficacy and shortening its useful life.





  1. 每次使用后清洗拖把
  2. 让拖把完全干燥
  3. 正确存放拖把


Wet mops should be thoroughly washed after every cleaning procedure. Simply rinsing a mop is typically not enough to remove soils and bacteria from mops.

It will be important to thoroughly wash the mop.If improperly or inadequately washed, mops will redeposit materials like trapped hair, fibers, soap, and other contaminants from previous cleaning procedures to the floor.


Commercial wet mops are made from a variety of different materials including microfiber, cotton, rayon, or synthetic blends.Each type of mop has its own guidelines for proper washing procedures. It is critical to follow the manufacturer's wash instructions for your specific mop.


For example, reusable microfiber mops are delicate and can be easily damaged if not cleaned under the right conditions. Microfiber is easily damaged by heat, certain chemicals, and too much agitation.

On the other hand, mops which are just rinsed or are too gently laundered will retain germs and soils. Both situations lead to reduced cleaning efficacy of the mop.

Pro Tip:Three tips for washing commercial wet mops include:

1. Always use low-alkaline, low-caustic detergent.


After washing a mop, it is imperative for the mop to completely dry.


As mentioned above, different types of wet mops have different temperature tolerances. Some mops can be commercially dried, while it is not recommended for others.

High heat settings can damage mop fibers, reducing the amount of soils they are able to pick up.

Pro Tip:很难调节商用干衣机内的温度。极端温度会损坏拖把头,使其在清洁过程中无效。



Mop storage will also play a critical role in the life of a mop.

洗过拖把后,应将拖把挂在通风良好的房间中。如果可能的话,store mops with strands hanging down.拖把






Mopping in the figure 8 or S pattern ensures that the user continually moves backward and covers each area twice, reducing the likelihood of missing an area that could spread germs.



After each cleaning procedure, commercial wet mops must be cleaned. The best way to prevent your mop from developing a sour smell, and to prevent mold and mildew growth is by properly cleaning, drying, and storing your mop after every cleaning procedure.

爱游戏旧版下载安装EBP和其他Imperial Dade地点可以为您的业务提供有关您设施中湿拖把清洁的最佳实践的信息。如果您位于美国,波多黎各或加勒比海,我们可以为您提供最新的培训,产品和程序,以维持设施的清洁度。

Contact an EBP Specialist今天,有关适当的湿莫普清洁程序如何使您的设施受益的更多信息。



About Glenn Rasin

Glenn Rasin is the Chemical Specialist for EBP Supply Solutions and Lead Trainer for the EBP Training Academy, which offers CMI-certified training courses for supervisory and front-line cleaning professionals throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. He is an ISSA CMI-certified trainer, with over 35 years of experience in the janitorial and sanitation industry.
