Dan Carr

经过:Dan CarronNovember 12th, 2020

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Vacuum Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best Vacuum For Carpet

Commercial carpeting is popular in many facilities because of its ability to hide dirt and soils. Unfortunately, this same quality makes carpet hard to clean, unless you have the right commercial vacuum cleaner.


How do you choose the best vacuum cleaner for carpets?

有7 key factors that you should evaluate your vacuum against.


1. Vacuum Type

The first step in narrowing down the bestcommercial vacuum正在识别正确的类型。有five types of commercial vacuum cleaners:

  1. 手持式Duster真空吸尘器
  2. 罐子真空吸尘器
  3. 直立的真空吸尘器
  4. 背包真空吸尘器
  5. Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaners

While canister vacuums are generally accepted for daily vacuuming of carpeted floors, we find backpack and upright vacuums most effective for cleaning carpets.

罐子通常有长软管和笨重的身体,很容易妨碍您。与罐子不同,背包真空吸尘器可让您随身携带真空吸尘器,从而消除了将家具撞倒的风险。背包真空是最有生产力的。与直立模型相比backpack vacuums can boost productivity by as much as 230%.



Cleaning capacityrefers to the cleaning path and filter bag size, while strength will be determined by the真空的静态升降机和气流,all of which we will get into later.


Yellow CordLike most industrial cleaning equipment, vacuums can be either battery operated or electric.



They are free to move beyond the length of a typical cord, and they do not have to stay within reach of an outlet at all times.



We recommend choosing a vacuum based on the size of the area you are cleaning. However, you must take into consideration what obstacles are in the area.

Trying to vacuum an open area that is 10,000 square feet will require a different vacuum than the same size area that is filled with desks or other furniture. Meaning, using a large upright with a 28 inch cleaning path might seem like it will cover more space in a shorter amount of time because of its size, but if you are trying to use this machine in a dense area it will actually be less productive. Your staff will likely struggle to maneuver the machine in the area and spend more time adjusting tables or furniture to avoid damage.

For areas with a lot of furniture or objects, a vacuum with a smaller cleaning path will actually be more efficient. With this in mind, you may require more than one commercial vacuum for your building.


例如,Proteam Super Coach Pro可以使用6夸脱或10夸脱纸滤袋购买。

v越大acuum’s filter bag the more your staff will be able to vacuum before having to stop and empty the bag. Decreasing the number of times your staff have to empty the filter bag allows them to cover more area during a shift. This ultimately boosts cleaning productivity so your staff can complete other higher priority cleaning tasks, helping to lower labor costs.

4. Brush Type


If you are interested in an upright vacuum, look for a machine that has a brush roller.MA30 13B刷子去除作物



If you have carpet pile of different heights, it will be important to look for a vacuum that has an adjustable beater bar.


有no beater bars on backpack vacuums. To achieve a similar level of clean with backpack vacuum, you must choose a model that has high air flow and strong lift to ensure they are removing as much soil as possible. Backpack vacuums require more lift to pull dirt from the carpet because they do not have the agitation a beater bar provides to extract dirt from the carpet pile.

To determine the level of soil which your vacuum removes look for third-party certifications which test the vacuum against soil removal standards. One of the most common third-party certification programs is the Carpet and Rug Institute® (CRI).



Many facilities use their vacuum to clean more than just carpets. You may need to tackle other soft surfaces such as drapes, furniture, or high dusting.Proteam Super Coach Pro 10 10 QT。带有Xover多表面两件棒工具套件的背包真空套件

If this is the case, it might make sense to look for a commercial vacuum that either comes with, or can be paired with specialized attachments for these unique surfaces.


With the ability to pair your machine with unique attachments, your cleaning team won't have to switch between multiple machines. Your staff can enjoy improved productivity by allowing them the flexibility to quickly and easily vacuum these hard-to-reach or unique soft surfaces.

6. Static Lift and Air Flow


What is static lift and air flow?

静态升降机和气流一起工作。Static lift removes the soil from the surface and airflow helps the dirt and debris travel down the vacuum hose to the filter bag.Static lift测量真空可以从表面拉出的强度或多少土壤。静态升降机越高,污垢越多,真空吸尘器将能够去除。静态升降机通常在60到100英寸之间。

Airflowis the amount of air the vacuum moves through the hose per minute. This feature is what moves the dirt and soils through the vacuum hose to the filter bag.气流通常在95至150 cfm之间。

7. Filtration System

从地毯上去除颗粒时,您会拔出灰尘,沙屑和其他土壤,如果在空气中留下,可能会导致室内空气质量较差(IAQ)。VP600_HEPA filter

The right filtration system can help limit the amount of soils left lingering or released back into the air.



Lowering the amount of impurities in the air will improve indoor air quality (IAQ).


Keeping your carpets clean is important to maintaining the appearance of your facility, extending the life of your commercial carpet, and preserving the health of your building occupants.

We recommend the use of either a backpack or uprightvacuumon commercial carpeted flooring.

Uprights typically have brush rollers which can help remove soils from deep in the carpet fibers. If you opt for a backpack vacuum, make sure it has high lift and airflow to make up for the lack of agitation provided by the beater bar.

It will be important to look for avacuum with good static lift and air flow as well as HEPA filtration to limit the amount of particles that can escape the vacuum. Limiting pathogens and particles in the air will improve IAQ which is key to providing your building occupants with a safe and healthy environment.


EBP and other Imperial Dade locations offer a variety of commercial vacuums that can be used to remove dirt from your commercial floors and improve your facility image.

Contact an EBP Specialist为了帮助您确定最佳的真空,无论您是位于美国,波多黎各还是加勒比海地区。访问我们的设备页面to learn more about our equipment offering, request pricing info, demo some of our best carpeted floor vacuums, and more.

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Dan Carr是EBP Supply Solutions的设备计划经理,也是EBP培训学院爱游戏旧版下载安装爱游戏手游官网的培训师,该学院为美国东北部和中大西洋地区的监督和前线清洁专业人员提供了CMI认证和其他培训课程。他拥有ISSA CMI基本认证,并在清洁和卫生行业拥有超过35年的经验。
