Michael Tanguay

经过:Michael TanguayMay 21st, 2019

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How Will The Plastic Bag Ban Affect Your Business?

在整个美国,state regulation on plastic bags is increasing.Some states are focusing on implementing effective recycling programs, while others are imposing bans or fees to discourage the use of plastic bags altogether.

Recent bans and regulations may have you wondering if your business is going to be affected.

Those who will be most affected by bans and regulations are retail establishments that provide patrons with single-use, lightweight plastic bags to take merchandise home such as grocery stores, department stores, liquor stores, restaurants, convenience stores, and other retail stores.

专家提示:In some areas, the ban will cover single-use plastic bags beyond lightweight, t-shirt type bags such as produce bags, ice bags, fish bags, and garment bags.

Whether you are a restaurant owner who uses plastic bags as the preferred carry-out method for a to-go meal or a retail grocer who provides plastic shopping bags to customers at the end of a shopping experience, you will likely be forced to find alternative materials.


Understanding where bans are taking effect, why plastic bags are being banned, and what products are included under the bans will help you better navigate how your business is going to be affected so you can prepare.


撰写本文,只有加州,纽约和夏威夷有statewideplastic bag bans, but several municipalities have mandatory recycling programs, taxes, and bans.

About 300 municipalities across the U.S. have regulations, bans, or fees on plastic bags.

For the most up to date information on plastic bag bans and an interactive map of regulations within each U.S. state, visit禁止禁令。


Trinity Plastics Reusable Plastic T-Sack Bag 11.5 x 7 x 21 2.25mil


In most cases, plastic bags which are banned are considered “single-use” or “lightweight” plastic bags. Single-use, lightweight plastic bags are generally considered to be plastic bags which are less than 2.25 mils or 57.17 microns thick.



If you are not sure if the bag your foodservice operation is currently using is affected by the ban or if you are not sure what the regulations in your area are, EBP Foodservice Specialists can help.


塑料杂货袋通常由高密度聚乙烯(塑料数2)或低密度聚乙烯(塑料数4)制成。Both types of plastic are recyclable but plastic bags are typically not accepted in curbside recycling bins.

塑料袋通常不被接受,因为它们是not easily separatedwhen placed in curbside bins, and they candamage the equipment in recycling facilities.


Plastic bags should be deposited at recycling facilities or special drop-off locations like grocery stores, where the bags will be collected and recycled separately.



If Plastic Is Recyclable, Why Are Plastic Bags Being Banned?

塑料袋在海洋中虽然塑料是可回收的,但塑料袋通常不被路边回收器接受,导致它们最终成为pollution on land and in water.

即使在正确处理时,塑料袋也可以占用1000 yearsto decompose and break down, generating large amounts of garbage over long periods. Improperly discarded bags have polluted waterways, clogged sewers and been found in oceans, affecting the habitat of marine creatures.

Why Should We Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags?


Plastic bags break down into smaller pieces of plastic known as microplastics.

When plastic bags break down into micro-particles, the tiny pieces can be mistaken for food and is ingested by sea life. Microplastics can release toxic chemicals into our food and water systems and can be harmful to human and animal health.


美国人使用大致用途100 billion plastic bags a year,with the majority of them ending up in landfills. According to废物管理, approximately only 1% of bags get returned for recycling each year.

Are There Reasons Not To Ban Plastic Bags?

It is a more sanitary option.

Typically, reusable bags are not being washed as often as they should be, allowing细菌他们港口细菌和愈合th risk for consumers.

杂货袋中细菌的评估,由亚利桑那大学和洛马琳达大学研究人员, found that almost all of the reusable bags randomly selected from customers entering a grocery store contained large amounts of bacteria. Nearly half contained coliform bacteria, and 12% contained E. Coli.




Type of Carrier

HDPE Bag (Used 3 Times)





Non-woven PP Bag




Boustead Consulting & Associates
completed a life-cycle analysis of three popular types of bags and found that single-use plastic bagsused less total energy and resources to manufacture.

(Carrying Capacity Equivalent to 1000 Paper Bags)

总能源用途(MJ) 2622 2070. 763
Fossil Fuel Use (kg) 23.2 41.5 14.9
市固体垃圾(千克) 33.9 19.2 7.0
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(CO2 Equiv. Tons)


0.18 0.04
Fresh Water Usage (Gal) 1004 1017. 58.







如果您位于美国,波多黎各,或加勒比地区,ebp和其他帝国达德地区的股票,可支持各种产品,以支持您的塑料袋替代品的过渡。爱游戏旧版下载安装Find the best alternatives to single-use plastic bags for your business.

联系EBP专家爱游戏旧版下载安装for a review of your business's unique needs and to receive recommendations for the best plastic bag alternative for your business.

关于Michael Tanguay

Michael Tuanguay是EBP供应解决方案的销售代表,拥有超过25年的经验,帮助客爱游戏旧版下载安装爱游戏手游官网户解决他们的食品服务包装和商业清洁挑战。自2012年以来,他专业从事可持续的食品服务包装替代品,以帮助客户提高食品和饮料销售,同时使用绿色清洁产品更加环保,以及定制清洁和卫生计划,以帮助减少公司的环境足迹。
